Lion Times Submissions for 2024 - 2025

We appreciate that you would like to include our school community in your outreach! LCE Lion Times newsletters are distributed on a weekly basis to our LCE school families and community members. These families entrust us to provide brief summaries of relevant information about LCE, District and PTA related programs and activities. Please follow the guidelines below.  



If you would like to make a submission to the Lion Times Newsletter, please complete this form, with the requested information. 

  • To be included, submissions must be received by 5:00pm on the Tuesday prior to the Sunday Lion Times publication date. 
  • Text for submissions should be submitted in Microsoft Word, Google Doc, or a similar format. 
  • Graphics should be submitted as a jpeg, gif, png. 
  • Flyers should NOT be submitted as a PDF. 
  • Please also indicate for how many weeks you would like your submission published. 

We reserve the right to make edits to your submission, where necessary.

Space in our Lion Times Newsletter is generally limited to LCE, PTA-specific programs or PTA partners (ie - PTA Partnered After-School Programs, Scouts).  See below note for non-PTA partners. 

Thank you!


Special Note:

If your group is not affiliated with LCE PTA, LCE or LCUSD, but would like to partner with us, please reach out to or  If you are unable to partner with us, we encourage you to distribute your flyer/announcement through PeachJar, which is distributed via La Canada Unified School District.  Please contact for information about PeachJar.  







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