LA CAÑADA ELEMENTARY PTA 2024-2025 Committee Chairs


Below is a list of all committee chairs positions for the 2024-2025 school year. As you can see, there are still some open spots!  Without your help, we can't bring these programs to our school!  We hope you'll consider serving in one (or more) of these positions.   

To find out more information about any open committee positions, please email If there is already a committee chair, and it is a committee you are interested in helping with, please click the link to send an email expressing interest. Many hands make light work, and we would love to have you!


Art Appreciation Week Plan one art activity per day for Art Appreciation Week.  OPEN I would like to help!
Assemblies & Patriot Day Working with PTA budget, schedule assemblies for the year. Colleen McGuinness I would like to help!
Community Read In Finding community leaders to come into each classroom to read a story. Debbie Barsom & Lynley Gross  I would like to help!
STEAM Class Organize and run periodic STEM Nights, or bring other STEAM events to LCE. Jill Henley & Caroline Miller I would like to help! 
Founders Day Lead the committee to select the Founders Day award recipients. Organize and plan for nomination collection. Lynley Gross I would like to help!  
Health and Fitness Organize activities and/or assemblies for Health & Fitness Week. Geeta Mande I would like to help!
Lions Go GREEN! Earth Week Plan out daily activities for Earth Week

Gelesia Edwards

 I would like to help!
Lions Really Care Club   Mandy Redfern I would like to help!
World Fair Organize the annual multicultural fair Alice Kurs I would like to help!
Red Ribbon Week Plan out week of daily themes + work with Assembly Chair to schedule assembly + plan any activities OPEN I would like to help!
Reflections Plan and publicize Reflections program, organize logistics, plan awards Wen Reese-Hicks

I would like to help!
Science Olympiad Work with high school Science Olympiad volunteers to organize parents to assist day of competition.  

LCHS Science Olympiad &

Stephanie Boayes


I would like to help!
STEAM Week Put together activities to mark STEAM week


Pack 512 (Jill Henley)


I would like to help!
Summer Reading Work with Billie Melillo to plan for Summer Reading program Stephanie Boayes & Bahareh Gordon I would like to help!
Book Fair Schedule book fair(s), work with Scholastic, plan out advertising and logistics

Jennifer Abel/Elana Lazaruk

I would like to help!
Dine Outs Schedule monthly dine outs with local businesses Anna Kim I would like to help!
Fall Product Sale Manage and promote fall fundraiser  - usually Charleston Wrap, but can be something else. Patricia Goldsworthy-Bishop I would like to help!
Halloween Haunt Chairs Largest LCE Fundraiser. Need 2 chairs to work with subcommittee chairs and vendors to bring event to fruition. Rosie Etters, Matt Logelin I would like to help!
Halloween Haunt Assistant Chairs Assist chairs in bringing event to fruition  OPEN  I would like to help!
Halloween Haunt Silent Auction Chair Organization of Silent Auction. Finding items to auction, organizing the logistics of the actual auction for Haunt.  Laura Jalaie & Joyce Lee  I would like to help!
Bingo Potential New Event!  Plan a bingo night (or nights) to fundraise for the school. Skye Petschauer & Liz Alexanian I would like to help! 
Talent Show Potential New Event!  Plan a talent show for kids to participate in during the Spring. Would include arranging tryouts, sound, light, and programs.  Dina Buglione Chaves & Melissa McFarland I would like to help! 
LCE Lionwear Organization of spirit wear. Finding design, and organizing printing and distribution.

Liz Alexanian, Aimee Lee & Colleen Pih


I would like to help!
Pumpkin Patch/Sales Planning for items to sell, day of organization Skye Petschauer I would like to help!
Passive Fundraising Box tops, grocery store loyalty cards, etc. Aimee Lee I would like to help!
Birthday Signage Help coordinate between PTA and office for listing of birthday names on electronic sign Aimee Lee I would like to help! 
Receptions Chair Organize refreshments for sale at various school events Megan Kreiner I would like to help!
Disaster Preparedness/Supplies Taking account of LCE disaster preparedness supplies, planning preparation day, etc.  Laurel Thomas I would like to help!
Staff Holiday Lunch Planning and execution of luncheon for staff around the winter holidays (Christmas, etc.) Lynley Gross & Kim Church I would like to help!  
Staff Appreciation Luncheons Planning and execution of periodic staff appreciation luncheons (independent of Staff Appreciation Week) OPEN I would like to help!
Staff Appreciation Week Plan for staff appreciation week daily activities/themes, luncheons, etc. Lynley Gross & Jen Wainman I would like to help!
Staff End of Year Appreciation Coordinator Assists the VP of Room Reps in using donated funds from families to procure and distribute gift cards for staff members at the end of the school year.  Kim Church I would like to help!
Welcome Back Teacher Luncheon Organize a luncheon for the teachers a couple of days before the first day of school Kim Church I would like to help!
New Family Social Plan a small new family social for all new LCE families (just prior to the start of the school year) Christina Liao & Suilki Lee I would like to help!
Back to School Picnic Plan LCE Back to School Picnic. Book entertainment (DJ, etc.), as well as food to have available (In-N-Out, etc.) Heather Hervey & Skye Petschauer I would like to help!
Hospitality/Holiday Meeting/Choral Performance Organize coffee and treats for monthly PTA meetings.  Plan fun holiday activities (trivia, etc.) for the December General PTA meeting, and help plan for the chorus to perform (or any other musical guests) Soraia Han I would like to help!
Duncan Donuts Purchase coffee and donuts and set up meetings between Principal and parents Heather Hervey I would like to help!  
LCE Sons' Event Plan an event for LCE Sons to attend and bring a special guest. Colleen Pih & Lisa Marie Scott I would like to help!
Parent/Child Lunches Organize pre-ordered food for scheduled parent/child lunches Lisa Marie Scott I would like to help!
LCE Daughters' Event Plan event for LCE Daughters to attend and bring a special guest. Nancy Leung & Michelle Seymour I would like to help!
100 Days of School Celebration Purchase snacks and distribute them to all LCE kids on the 100th day of school Heather Hervey  I would like to help! 
Campus Beautification Schedule twice a year campus clean-up Wendi Damico I would like to help!
Dads Committee Outreach to LCE dads for volunteer needs, and plan social meet-ups OPEN I would like to help!
First Grade Lunch Volunteers Organize and schedule volunteers to help first graders at lunchtime the first few weeks of school Mia Pollard I would like to help!
Library Volunteers Organize and schedule volunteers to help in the library for each classroom Melissa McFarland I would like to help!
Lost & Found Organize the Lost & Found rack, and put together donations each month for items left over Iva Bozovic I would like to help!
Picture Day Schedule Fall picture day and make-up picture day, organize volunteers Geeta Mande I would like to help!
PTA Closet Keep PTA closet clean and organized Stephanie Peatman  I would like to help!
School Supplies Work with Edukit to plan for pre-ordered school supplies, and get confirmation from each grade on supply lists Skye Petschauer I would like to help!
Volunteer Appreciation Plan an event to show appreciation to our school volunteers for their work on behalf of our school.   LCE Teachers  I would like to help! 
Lion Times Editor Weekly set up for Sunday evening Lion Times issues Kam Flower, Christy Suh I would like to help!
PTA Online Order Form Set up back-end that will allow for purchases throughout the year on the PTA website Stephanie Sim I would like to help!
Webmaster Update website when needed, including for online forms Stephanie Sim I would like to help!
Yearbook Gather photos through the year, organize and design yearbook (work with Balfour), plan for printing and ordering and distribution. Leigh Smith & Jen Wainman I would like to help!
Yearbook Photographers Help take photos of special events and days on campus for the yearbook Nancy Leung  I would like to help!
Graphic Designer Help with designs when needed - flyers, signs and Lion Times/website Aimee Lee  I would like to help!