LCE PTA gratefully accepts donations to the General Fund at any time during the year.
How Much Should I Give?
We hear this question from many families. We ask that every family donate at least $100 to the PTA General Fund. Every year, our PTA tries to raise at least $200,000 for our school through various fundraisers. We get the most bang for our buck via straight donations given by our families. Remember, your donation is tax deductible, and the entirety of your donation goes to serving our LCE community.
Why does PTA try to raise so much money?
LCE’s PTA raises money to enrich the lives of LCE’s students via programs we offer, events we put on, financial support we give to our District, LCE, and teachers, and much more. The money raised by LCE PTA comes right back to our school.
Where does the PTA money go?
ALL OF LCE PTA's MONEY GOES TO LCE!! There are a plethora of worthwhile things your PTA funds:
- PTA Funds Programming: World Fair, Assemblies, Red Ribbon Week, Community Read-In, Earth Week, STEAM week, Science Olympiad, Reflections, Teacher Appreciation, and MUCH more;
- PTA Funds Events: Halloween Haunt, New Family Social, Sons' Event, Daughters' Event, Back to School Picnic, Dad’s Club, BINGO night, Talent Show and more;
- PTA Gives Financial Support to the District, School and Our Teachers:
- This year, we’re giving about $55K to our District & School, including for licenses for online programs our kids use, like Renaissance, BrainPop and IXL (almost $20K); $5,500 for academic coaches for chorus and student council; $18,600 for additional staff support, like paraprofessionals; $15.50 for each of our over 600 students to cover supplies ($9900 total); and additional funds for water filters and campus beautification.
- This year, we’re also giving about $25K to our teachers and library (to help reimburse costs and fund instructional support).
- PTA Funds More:
- Beyond our typical budget items described above, our PTA has previously dedicated more substantial funds (tens of thousands of dollars) to specific projects at LCE, like the electronic marquee and a recent library remodel.
- We have committed to funding a shade structure on the large LCE playground to give our kids some relief from the heat! Your funds will support this endeavor!
- When our PTA has enough funds, it may apply them to specific projects that will improve LCE.
What is the difference between LCE’s PTA and the La Canada Flintridge Educational Foundation (LCFEF), and why am I asked to donate to both?
LCE PTA and LCFEF are completely separate entities that provide assistance in different manners. Both non-profits support our children, now and in the future. Both fill the gap, as much as possible, between what our tax dollars cover and what our School and District wants and needs. Please reach out to LCFEF for more information on its work, but donate to LCE PTA in the meantime!
Please also remember employer matches!
LCE PTA Non-Profit Tax ID# 95-6205017
Please contact should you have any questions.
To make your tax deductible contributions to the following funds, enter the amount you'd like to donate into the "Price" field below.
To find out more about where your donations go, click on "more".